Sports betting has had a long and varied history throughout the world. At various points in time, it has been lauded as a fairly decent adult pastime. At other times, it has been reviled and in some places, it has even been banned. Such was the case in the United Kingdom, where gambling was made illegal from 1853 – 1961. However, it has now evolved greatly since being legalized in the 1960’s and the advent of the internet has made it to where people can even bet on sports right from the comfort of their home.
Top 5 Rated UK Sportsbooks
Here are some characteristics that U.K. players should keep in mind when it comes to an online sports betting site.
The best online U.K. sports betting site will make customer relations their top priority.
This basically means they will offer lose opening deposits and will make withdrawals and deposits as convenient as possible. In many cases this would mean the use of PayPal as a funding source. Moreover, many of these sites will have opportunities to “sweeten the pot” and will offer such things as free bets or even deposit bonuses.
The best online U.K. sports betting sites will have a quick withdrawal time.
Withdrawals are only as convenient as the time it takes for them to arrive in your bank account. At the very least, a U.K. betting site will allow for 48 hours to elapse at the most before the funds appear. Moreover, it is even better if the site can accomplish a funds transfer in 24 hours or less.
Finally, the best online U.K. sports betting sites will be fully legal and knowledgeable about the betting process.
Gone are the days where sports betting was illegal from 1854 to 1960. Nowadays, each and every online U.K. sports betting site must be fully regulated by the U.K. Gambling Commission. Every good bookie knows this, and you should know it too. A bookie will also know the UK sportsbooks line and be able to advise some good contests to place a wager on. They will know that the UK sportsbooks line is good for every contest from American football, European football and even boxing matches. If you keep these tips in mind, there is no question you will have a good online sports betting experience.